Sunday, September 18, 2005


The Metallica founded the Metallism. The four original Gods, Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, Cliff Burton and Dave Mustain. Dave Mustain due to his adultery and non-conformship with James Hetfield was ousted from the Holy Land of Metalland. He formed another religion of Megadethism which is almost similar in principles with Metallism but lacks the harmony, rythm of a true religion. Cliff Burton the God of all, died at an early age before he could write some good scripts.

Metallism is mostly based on music with voices on death, depression, hatred, anarchy, suicide, drugs.

When the Gods lived....

Some believe the Gods still live....

Holy Book.. errr. I mean song....

Holy Land...

Holy Day....


10 commandments of metallism..

1. Thou should always sing/talk about hatred, depression, suicide, murder, suffering, etc. Thou should write atleast one song on suicide. Thou should never ever sing about love, girls, babes.
2. Thou should indulge in heavy drinking, taking drugs, till you are arrested by the law. Thou should not attend any rehabitilation centre and even if you are forced to do so, thou should fail miserably.
5. Thou should have long hairs atleast for one year in your entire life.
3. Thou should take part in one famous scandal of your life.
4. Your songs should not be understood by anyone when you sing. You should try that even if people refer the lyrics page, then also they should not be able to follow it.
5. Thou should break guitars, destroy property, damage stage equipment when the time is ripe.
6. Thou should swear constantly when a paparazzi asks a personal question.
7. Thou should have sexapades with the groupies.
8. Thou should not listen to pop songs especially by Britney Spears, Chritina Aguilera, Jelo, etc. Showing your liking for them is a great crime. Thou should not miss an opportunity to talk about them on how unoriginal they are and how they suck.
9. Thou should not take bath, should not shave, should not clean yourself, should wear only dirty and torn clothes.
10. Thou lyrics should be totally out of this world such "I love it when you smell my dirty socks" and "I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me".

Once you are a part of a metal community, you should not change your religion to evil religions such as popism, electonicism. These religions are evil and would spoil your mind.

Taking your life at the age of 27 would land you in the gardens of heaven.

Mode of prayer to Metal God.

You should listen to metal songs at high volumes at odd timings under the influence of spirits.
This practice should make your neighbour to either flee or come once in a week asking you to turn that shit down.

Daily prayer would make you a true devotee and earn you high respect in society.

Once in a week on Saturday(holy day), you should gather with other people in a holy place such as a pub and drink the holy spirit together. Songs in the praise of Metal God should be played. Videos of various Gods playing should be viewed on a big screen. If the holy place such as a pub is not available then you can invite other people at your home and pray in unison. You should try to follow the mode of prayer.

You should always head bang when you are stoned in a group.

You should listen to loud music at your home. Your mom should make comments such as "Is there anything wrong with the tape?" or your father would shut the tape thinking that the cassette has stuck in the tape. And your grandmother should comment after looking at one of the videos "These boys are really sad.. They did not have love.. If they come to me, with my love I would turn them into loving persons".


Blogger neo said...

Metal sucks bigtime. If you so much interested, why dont you help ur mom by washing the vessels and that way your prayers can make a big difference.

9:58 PM  

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